Website design and development for the local workforce development boards as a central resource for branding, campaigns and social media assets

Client: CareerSource Florida

Category: Website Design and Development

Date: January 2017

Features and Functionality

Design Details

Within the design page, local boards gain invaluable insights on leveraging their brand identity effectively. Comprehensive guidelines outline the dos and don'ts, ensuring consistent and impactful representation. They can easily access and download their logos, primary and secondary fonts, and brand colors, empowering them to maintain a cohesive visual identity across all channels.

Features and Functionality

Social Media Copy

Social media copy is provided to the local workforce development boards, aiding them in maximizing their online presence. Through carefully crafted headlines, effective calls to action, and concise links, they are one step closer to engaging and connecting with their audience effectively.

Features and Functionality

Asset Details

On the asset details page, there are clear descriptions on how the asset is typically used, the tags make it easier to find similar assets, the adaptive layout works for multiple file sizes and types.